We've been out and about a lot lately. We're nailing down the final details on moving into our house. Last night, we were involved in an 11 person "meeting". This meeting involved, us, the former tenant, his assistant who also used to live in the house, our landlord in Costa Rica, the acting landlord, (who happens to be the secretary to Dole's general manager), the movers that the former tenant hired, our real estate agent, our real estate agent's friend who is a painter, and the president of the largest bank in Honduras.
Basically, everybody owed everybody money -k and t owe the 1st month rent, when they pay, the landlord can reimburse the former tenant, who can then pay his movers to get the furniture out, and pay his former secretary so that she can get out of the sketchy area she is currently living in. Unfortunately, our money is still tied up in our US bank account and in US dollars. Since all these people need money to pay people
now, we needed to locate the former tenant's aunt- who just happens to be the president of the largest bank in Honduras. So we all piled in the car and went to the bank after business hours. After greeting her personal bodyguard on the way in we were escorted to her office by armed guards. She graciously agreed to honor our checks and cash them for the people who needed our money. We will be opening a bank account there in the next few days.
In addition, we asked that the house get a fresh coat of paint before we move in. This of course involves several more mini-meetings. We are happy to know that our house will now receive a fresh coat of pretty pink paint. (The pictures from the previous entry show a washed out color. The house was actually painted blue just last summer, but they used cheap Mexican paint. It all washed off during rainy season, leaving a stonewashed look.) We voted for the more expensive Sherwin Williams brand this time. It will be pink and white for years!
When all was said and done, I think that everyone got what they needed. We'll get the keys to our place on Saturday, but our stuff is still trying to break out of customs. Hopefully by the middle of next week, it will be on it's way to our house!
Long entry- kind of confusing- but really, we're learning that the old "how many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb" deal is right on. To get things done here, plan on twice as much time as you would expect, and 4 times as many people!
Oh- we got a refrigerator and stove (only 2 years old) and a washer and dryer! I feel like I'm really moving up in the world! (This transaction was made between us and the former tenant. It only involved 6 people)