First of all, I was extremely impressed with the radiologist who did this service for us. I'm not sure what the average time to spend with a patient is, but he spent a good 25 minutes just moving that magical sound wand around my belly, showing us lots of great pictures of our little one. He took time to get to know us, and answer all our questions- and this is just the ultrasound doctor! My OB is a great German doctor who's delivered over 5000 babies in La Ceiba. We're in good hands. Though it's still to early to tell if it's a boy or girl, we do know that this baby is gonna be smart! Just look at the brain development...
The doctor said that everything looks great. The baby's major body parts are coming along nicely, and my body appears to be doing all the things to make a comfy home for the next few months. I am officially 17 weeks pregnant, and I have an estimated due date of Feb. 7.
Right now, he/she is the size of a loaded baked potato and the doc gave a weight of 6 ounces. The baby wanted to show us what he/she thought of us as parents, and is giving us a thumbs up in this picture. (See the thumb right below the word "good")
This was the best "whole baby" picture we got. We're working on getting him/her to smile for the camera.
Tom is nesting in his own special way. He has been spending every hour at home digging random (or at least they seem random to me) holes in the yard, clipping plant parts from other places and re-potting them, stringing vines up our walls, and buying bag after bag of dirt and spreading it around the yard and then sprinkling with grass seeds.
He's determined to make a tropical paradise in our back and front yards before our little one arrives. (There I go making it about the baby again! It could just be that he's into gardening lately.)
Keep checking back for many more updates on the baby and the yard!