We stayed at Lomas de Tzununa which we would highly recommend to anyone. The only tough thing about staying here is climbing stairs for 20 minutes as you climb from the dock up the side of the mountain to the hotel. The climb is worth the effort though. We loved it and would like to go back here some day.
During our stay near the village of Tzununa, we also took a few side trips to the surrounding communities. We took a water taxi and spent a day in the town of San Pedro. We hiked around part of the lake to the community of San Marcos (which seemed like a really cool place to go if you're ever looking for any type of retreat or meditation/granola-y type vacation). Thanks to our neighbors, the McCanns, for lending us this great backpack style carrier. Zeke loved being able to see everything and was comfortable and happy for hours. It made Tom's job of carrying him much easier too!
We celebrated New Years in the hotel's delicious, intimate restaurant. There were only about 8 other couples staying at the hotel, so we got to know everyone and everyone got to know Zeke. The kind owners of the hotel remembered a trick they had used for their little boy when he was younger. Thanks to some chair engineering, Tom and I enjoyed a couple of late evening dinners in the restaurant. Zeke slept comfortably and peacefully right next to the table!
We were worried at first about traveling with a baby, but after our positive experiences everywhere we went, we wouldn't hesitate recommending travel with a baby in Central America. It was awesome! We know that we definitely want to take another (possibly many) trips to Lake Atitlan again someday.