Accomplishments: Visited Myrtle Beach, SC, Charlotte, NC, Minnesota (Seeing many family members and friends), Omaha, NE and Branson, MO all in our Honda Odyssey Minivan. Road Trip!!! Balanced full-time teaching careers, school careers, and a full-time nanny in our home. Mastered 4 player Minecraft on our Xbox 360. Founded Lew Scouts- a small organization dedicated to fun, family, friendship, and adventure.
Kitchen: Before... (But after wallpaper removal and floor remodel) and After!
Life Events: Kitchen Makeover 2015 (Goodbye Honey Oak!)
Goals: Do a "long-term" tent camping trip (3-5 nights) in a national park in 2016!
Tom - Thirty something.

Accomplishment: Finished his first full school year and began a second year teaching 9th grade English at Rogers New Technology High School This project-based learning school is making waves in education as the facilitators guide learners through projects that integrate American History and Literature. Tom loves his work and does it well. He's also been an enthusiastic bicycle commuter, taking advantage of bike trails and city streets on his daily 10 mile commute.
Life event: Celebrated seven wonderful years of marriage to Karine. Other events TBD
Goal: TBD
Karine- Also thirty-something (though 3 months younger than Tom)

Accomplishment: Began 10th year of teaching this year. I teach 6th, 7th and 8th grade ESL classes at Lingle Middle School in Rogers. These classes are for students who primarily speak Spanish or another language at home, and are still working towards academic proficiency in their reading, writing, and speaking. I spent a big part of my summer writing curriculum for our district. I love my small classes and personal relationships with many of my students!
Life event: I gave away the last of my maternity clothes this year! :) 4 kids in, I'm embracing motherhood and stretching and growing each day as I meet a new stage of motherhood. Tom and I also worked very hard on a kitchen makeover this August/September and it's made cooking dinner each night so much more exciting!
Goal: Fitness in 2015!
Zeke: Almost 7 years old...
Accomplishment: Reader of the Week 2 times over this school year. Also, Zeke's Cave Den in Minecraft (an online/Xbox video game) is off the hook. He loves all things Minecraft, Lego and science shows with Dad. Favorite shows include Nova, Cosmos, and anything science/geology.
Life event: Finished kindergarten and began 1st Grade with a bang!
Goal: Become a Geologist and get that first pesky wiggly front tooth to come out.
Ezra: Turned 5 on November 7.

Accomplishment: Sending thoughtful hand-made gifts to school with every member of the family this year. This generous member of the family has honed his artistry this year, and enjoys coloring, drawing, and creating gifts for others.
Life event: Ezra has developed muscle tone as he proves to be an athlete. He runs, jumps, plays and gives 100% of his energy and emotion in all that he does. Ezra loves soccer, wrestling, snuggling, and making art.
Goal: Ride a bike without training wheels.
Zadie: Turned 5 on November 7.
Accomplishment: Style! Zadie has started to develop her own taste and style for what she wears.
Life event: Zadie has taken pride in learning to sing along with several of her favorite "hits" like Katy Perry's "Roar" and Zedd's chart topper "Clarity". Zadie loves jumping on the trampoline, playing with animals and teaching others about the My Little Pony wonders of Equestria. Her favorite pony is Pinkie Pie because of her social and party planning skills.
Goal: Become a "Microphone Singer".
Elizabeth: Turned 1 on September 3.
Accomplishment: Walking! Ellie took her first steps right after her 1st birthday, but waited until almost 15 months old to really begin walking full time. She climbs ladders, on top of tables, chases siblings and tells others "No, no!" about a myriad of household activities. This little firecracker is sure
to bring us many adventures in 2016.
Life event: Eating solid foods, talking, walking, not sleeping through the night, keeping up with brothers and sister!
Goal: Learn to talk and eliminate diapers from Lewandowski home FOREVER!!!