We've had our hands full with our new pup this week! She's been great though. Ruby has gone to school with us every day in her little improvised crate. We bought a full size rolling travel crate, but it's the right size for an adult German shepherd, and that's just too big to put in the taxi. What's that, you ask? A taxi? Yes, our dog is the only dog in Honduras who gets to ride in the inside of a taxi on her way to "work". We just plop her laundry baskets in the backseat between us and the family is off to school! I know that it may seem like she's spoiled, but we can't afford the hour it would take to walk her to school at this point. Normally, it will be about a 30 minute walk, but she's not leash trained yet, and her little legs only want to walk for so long! We took her to the vet tonight to get her puppy shots. A round trip taxi ride (and our driver came inside and introduced us to the vet) and her office visit and shots cost us only $15.
One of my students brought me a gift this week. Since we've moved here, we've noticed people selling big piles of these little prickly balls on the side of the road. We've assumed they're to eat, but hadn't actually tried any yet. Yesterday, a girl brought me a bag of liches (sounds like leecheys, but I'm not actually sure how it's spelled). You take the outer peeling off, and put the fruity part in your mouth. It tastes kind of like a sweet grape, except there's a big pit you need to spit out. Pretty tasty though!
youve discovered the sweet yummy LYCHEE. But I had no idea they could grow in south america... mostly I've only seen them in asian restaurants and supermarkets (and sometimes from street vendors in china town)
Also, most the lychee I've seen aren't so prickly.... but maybe that's after they've been dried or something? THe inside looks the same
Hey guys,
Congrats on your new nephew!!! That fruit sounds very interesting. And love that you can bring your dog to work! That's very funny. HAve a great weekend, Casey
Hi Tomarine!
I love your blog. It's fun to hear about your time in Honduras. And congrats on your new little Ruby and nephew Christopher! I want you both to know that I'm thinking about you guys and Anne. If there's anything I can do - please let me know. Love ya!
Katy MK
Hi there!
Those are technically "rambutan", but locally called liches. I was a bit confused too, by that.
My son loves them but we have to help him because of the lg pits.
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