I know that a lot of our friends and family have been like -- how are things going with Tom's mustache? Well, here we are relaxing together at the San Jose Cathedral Ruins in Antigua. I am not sleeping, just blinded by the sun.
This super cute picture of Karine was taken at a pizza place in Antigua. While we were there we saw a couple of guys come in and check their handguns. I don't know if they were banditos or just a couple of guys who like to walk around with guns in their pants.
There are so many beautiful things to take pictures of in Antigua. But pictures of buildings can be kind of boring, so I always encourage Karine to get right in there with the 500 year old architecture...
Antigua is such a beautiful city. Even the trash cans are attractive. Sometimes I feel like we don't even have trashcans in Honduras. If you didn't guess, the Spanish word for trashcan is BASUERO.
Tom and Karine, I loved seeing the pictures of your vacation. What wonderful experiences you are having. I am glad you are so proud of your mustache. Are you going to be wearing it at the wedding?
Love Mom in Omaha
Thanks for sharing. We love learning about your world.
Nice pics! Karine, is that my fleece you are wearing...it's cool, if you could wrap that up and give it to me as a wedding gift i will let you stay my sister! :)
Loving the mustache, Tom!
Hi guys! You are having soo much fun - I love checking in on you!! I may have to convince Brad to come and visit you guys before you are back!!
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