School is going well. I think our students are about ready for summer vacation. Unfortunately, we've still got over 3 months to go. So, that just means that we teachers need to keep things extra-exciting. Here's a quick video of my students re-enacting a battle for their spanish social studies class. They were insane- but had a blast.
Our dog is gigantic and dirty today. She just received a hose-bath. Ruby has officially outgrown her "bathtub". (We had previously used the pila, an outdoor sink, to bathe her, but she's too big to fit inside now!) Ruby had a morning playdate at the park with her friend Fisher, while I enjoyed chatting with a friend.
We are one step closer to being actual certified scuba divers. Last weekend, we ventured out to Roatan with a dual purpose. One purpose was for Tom and Jason to play music at a nice resort and the other was to do some open water dives for our certification. Both were an adventure.
Picture Tom's upright bass (6 feet tall and 3 feet wide) and amp being toted along with our island weekend gear to the ferry station. At the ferry docks, the men took Tom's novia (Spanish for "girlfriend") away in it's soft padded case. We weren't sure how it would be treated in the cargo underbelly of the ferry. We were pleased to find it in one piece upon arrival in Roatan. All we had to do next was secure a big ride to the resort (a 25 minute drive from the port). After negotiating with a taxi driver who has a "very big vehicle" Tom and I, the bass and amp, the guitarist and his girlfriend, and his musical gear all arrive at the car. This car was a 2001 Toyota Corolla. 5 people, 2 instruments (one extremely large), 3 bags, 2 amps, and 1 bungee cord holding it all against the trunk (obviously the trunk didn't close) and I was a nervous wreck. Tom sat in the front seat and a calm came over him. I think he had just handed the whole thing over to fate. I, on the other hand, sat in back with my neck craned, watching the creaking trunk lid go up and down, and Tom's bass rock with it. A half an hour later, I was in disbelief that we had arrived safely and everything was still intact. Needless to say, we shopped around for a van to take us back to the ferry on Sunday afternoon.
Our other Roatan adventure was scuba diving. We went on 2 open water dives on Saturday. We saw so many cool things, but the highlight was seeing two sea turtles! Tom is a natural underwater and really got the hang of it quickly. I'm not quite as gifted, so I spent a bit more time going up and down. Real scuba divers know that you're supposed to make a straight-like line. It might be a diagonal, but it's pretty smooth. My line was shaped like a bunch of WWWW's. We have one dive left until we're officially certified, so over spring break we will get that finished up. I'm excited to polish my skills a little more- and hopefully see some more of those sea turtles!

We had a great Valentine's Day- complete with candles lit all over the house. Though we are very romantic people, it was a necessity as the power went out for a few hours. No worries about Lost though- the power returned just in time! Wow- that show is exciting.
I love the entertainment value of your stories - Keep them coming. Love Mom
Ruby the lap dog, WOW!!
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