Here are a few of the first release pics from our fantastic floozical weekend.
We headed to Roatan on Friday after school and found West End to be delightful! On Saturday morning, we took a water taxi (with some policia nacional men) over to West Bay. West Bay is just 5 minutes by boat and filled with beautiful turquoise waters and white sands. For some reason, we and the tipsy 55 year old lady were the only people asked to wear life jackets.
We took in some rays. I was especially concerned about sand fleas. While we were vigilant about re-applying deet, some of us ended up a bit sunburned by the end of the day.
By Day 2, Ann was sporting socks with her flip-flops to ease the pain of foot sunburn. I'll be honest, the front and sides of my neck are peeling today. Lesson learned (again).
Good times. Friendship abounds where the sun shines. It brings me delight to welcome Ann and Megan to their Honduras blog debut. Congrats ladies, you've done a nice job.
looks like you guys had some good ole fashion fun!! one day i will come there and do that too!! i am glad some friends came to visit you!!
it's great to hear from you guys again! it looks like you had a blast with ann and vegas. yeah!!
We're so happy that a good time was had by all. Happy Easter to everyone. Love Sharon and Gary
i am being attacked by the green-eyed monster!
did you see the burrito lady??
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