Ruby doesn't know it yet, but she has just met her new best friend. She is sharp as a tack and very observant. We made her sit in a corner and watch us with Ezekiel for about ten minutes. She saw how careful we were him. Then we let her smell some of his blankets. We invited her over to the couch and she gave him a delicate sniff. We'll watch her very closely over the next couple of days to make sure there is no play in her when she approaches him. But so far so good. We think she gets it.

My overbearing control freak self is saying Be Careful Be Careful Be Careful Be Careful out loud in response to this post.
Sophie and Rayna say that they will kick Ruby's butt if she messes with Ezekiel...
A year from now that kid is going to be crawling all over Ruby, sticking fingers in his eyes and ears. Ruby will just lay down and take it. The larger the dog the better they are with toddlers. Ruby knows
Ron S.
You always have to careful, but you'll be surpised how protective Ruby will become of EzK. Aesa was instinctive about Jakson becoming one of the pack - and still is. They're best friends.
My parents dog was fiercely protective of the babies when they came to the house. Usually she was protecting them from the cats and would chase them away if they came near. I'm sure Ruby will be just fine with her new future best friend :O)
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