Thursday, June 18, 2009

Infinite Jest

I just finished reading Infinite Jest. It was a real wang doozey. I am asking myself how it's possible that no one ever stuck that book in my grill and told me I had to read it. This particular entertainment has been out there in the world for thirteen years. So here is me at least sticking it in your grill and telling you that you have to read it.

You might need to keep an OED handy while you are reading. DFW's lexical gymnastics can be a bit dizzying. Some words fly way over the top of the head. They are great words. You just don't know them and neither does any other normal person. Also, sometimes the OED won't help. Because when DFW feels like he just flat out makes up words.

The book is 1079 pages long. This may deter some readers. The author said that it was a great beach book. Not for reading on the beach. Rather, like, using the book as a source of shade.

Maybe you won't read it. But you should at least give it a physical perusal the next time you are at B&N or Borders or your local favorite bookslinger's.

Also, I feel compelled for some reason I'll keep to myself to post this graphic.


my name is Amanda said...

According to some Facebook peeps, this is "an Infinite Summer." Considering jumping on the bandwagon - it would be better than making it a book club (monthly selection) book, which was one of Bonnie's suggestions for May. Too long for a month! Especially if I have to use the OED.

General Boyd said...

Just finished it myslef. I picked up "a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again"