What happened to the helmets? I've been working on a witty comment all day.
Sorry Casey,
We took the helmet post down because that post was attacked by a left wing whack-job. We're going to moderate our comments from now on to prevent jerk faces from using our blog as a platform for propaganda.
I was into it for a while. But we're not playing anymore.
We still welcome comments from friends old and new. But FYI, comments on the following subjects will not be posted:
-the coup
-the thing that was not a coup
-which people someone thinks Jesus wants to suffer
-how fat I am
-comments containing the following phrases:
"ethically retarded"
"capitalist pigs"
"corrupt duopoly"
"stupefied and propaganda-addled North Americanos"
And finally, if you feel the need to state explicitly that you are not wishing us death, your comment will probably not be posted.
Tom, Karine, Zeke, and Ruby
By the by:
The offending poster I declare a left wing whack-job not because he / she supports the Zelaya government. There is nothing wacky about that. Its a perfectly legitimate point of view, one held by the US president I helped vote into office. Some of my colleagues and students support Zelaya. My next door neighbor, nicest guy you'd ever want to meet, supports Zelaya. No, the offending poster is a whack job because he / she posted separate entries under different names. Some of the names were female and some of them were male. That's just plain weird.
Also, because the offending poster believes that his or her political perspective affords him or her the right to spew vile and hateful language at other human beings.