Monday, September 17, 2007

Almost Home

We've been slacking on the blogging this week and spending a great deal of time on making our new house a home. Last night, Tom and I had a picture hanging party. It was really just the two of us. And it was more picture hanging than partying. But, we did make some serious progress in getting this house set up.

Here is our kitchen...

And our living room...

And our dining room...

More parts of the house to come- as we get them set up.

I did a little laundry on Saturday... (I finally have a washer/dryer that I can use without scrounging for quarters and waiting for my apartment neighbors to be done with their loads!)
Since electricity is so expensive here, we only use the dryer during rainy season.

Other than setting up our house, we celebrated Honduras's independence from Spain back on Sept. 15, 1821. To celebrate, all of the students in the country perform a civic act. Most schools in La Ceiba march with their band and dress up in traditional costumes. Our school celebrated on Friday by hiring some local dancers and musicians to come in and perform at our school. It was two hours and fifteen minutes of cultural excitement!


Casey and Tom said...

Great pictures- it's fun to see your home! Casey

Anonymous said...

Nice shelf in the kitchen, I almost missed seeing it!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely. your house looks absolutely lovely. -ann.