It's that time again! The annual Crilaton (La Ceiba's version of the Jerry Lewis Telethon) is on again. It's been canceled twice already this year due to the rain. I've posted a picture from last year because Tom isn't on national tv until later tonight.
The “Centro de Rehabilitación Integral del Litoral Atlántico (CRILA), Amor y Esperanza”, is a Non-Profit/Non-Governmental Organization that provides quality care in the fields of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, Psychological Therapy and Special Education (Speech Therapy, etc.). Their main objective is to provide quality rehabilitative care to patients of all ages, races and economic standing with emotional and physical trauma and handicaps.
To find out more about the C.R.I.L.A. organization, or to donate, click here
I'm hoping to take some pictures of the tv tonight while Tom is on. They're scheduled for 6:15pm, but this is Honduras, so it might be more like 9pm. You never know!
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