Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday Fun

Friday was an incredibly busy day for us- hence the short blog post. As the National Honor Society adviser at our school, Tom was in charge of organizing a fundraiser for the school.

This "Pop-A-Prize" fundraiser was a definite hit. The idea was that people bought chances to pop a balloon, and inside was some type of prize ranging from a sucker to airfare to Roatan and a dolphin encounter. Needless to say, I bought 20 chances. Although I didn't win the big prize, (dolphin trip) I did win dinner for two at Expatriates and two pineapples! I also won some brownies, pizza and sodas, so we had a yummy lunch on Friday too.

We had to rush home from school to get ready for the annual Mazapan Thanksgiving celebration. This is a chance for all the teachers to gather together and eat really good food- all Thanksgiving style. The all purpose room was decked out for the event, and the teachers were too!

The food was delicious, and the company was fantastic too. Each teacher was asked to bring a dish to share (enough servings for about 30 people). Tom signed up for mashed potatoes (we used your yummy recipe, Carole!) and I brought some homemade stuffing. Our food was, of course, served in Polish Pottery. We even got to bring home some leftovers, so I believe that the holiday eating season has officially begun!

1 comment:

Kat said...

I love the Pop-a-Prize idea! It's a great idea for a fundraiser. I also think it could be used as part of a reward system in a classroom. Thanks for sharing!!