You could not find a sturdier name for a little boy. We would be proud to name our son Bonsai Tree. Bonsai trees are Japanese. And things that are Japanese are generally cool. Some cool things that are Japanese: sushi, ninjas, manga, anime, Cornelius, and this video.

The reason we are not naming our son Bonsai Tree is that we never intended to name our son Bonsai Tree. This is a fake Rejected Baby Names post. This post is a convoluted way to make an important announcement. I am embarking on a new career as a bonsai tree salesman.
I think you're making a big mistaking not naming your baby Bonsai Tree. Maybe you'd consider Teresa Green?
Did anyone check out the video?
Something to think about:
If only you had started selling them sooner. But if and when Shad feels like expanding his little forest from one to two trees, we'll come buy from you!
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