I'm huge. But that's okay. I guess that's a part of having 2 little people living inside of my belly. I've reached the point of being more pregnant than I've ever felt before, so this is all new territory. Aside from arthritis-type pain in my hands and some backaches, I'm still feeling pretty good. My energy level has taken a little hit, but I've appreciated the extra help from Tom and Grandma Jean, and of course Zeke.
Tom has been working hard to financially support the family. In the daytime, he's been working at his new job with Hayneedle where he writes and edits copy. I think he enjoys using his creativity in a cubicle- and I think he might be pretty good at it! (Of course, Tom is modest about it.) In the evenings, Tom has been playing jazz on his upright bass at a downtown steakhouse/bar. While he's home, we've been putting him to work doing heavy lifting, assembling furniture, family excursions, and making yummy dinners!
Zeke is growing and maturing by leaps and bounds each day. He's verbally exploding, repeating words and short sentences, and surprising us with words we didn't even know he knew! Every day I talk to him about the special role he is going to play as big brother, and that there are two little babies that will be in our family soon. I don't think the kid has any idea.
Zeke has been an enthusiastic helper around the house though. Last week, we made chocolate chip cookies together and he was actually helping with the steps. He loves being in the kitchen while we make dinner. Zeke has recently shown more interest in music and instruments. He loves hanging out with his dad while Tom practices. Zeke can differentiate between a guitar and a bass. I think that's impressive. I think Zeke's piano lessons with Dad will begin pretty soon!
Love the pic, Rini! I gasped. Can't wait to talk to you soon.
-Vegas & baby boy Abbott
Hey! you guys have no idea how much I love reading your blog. You don't know me but I feel like I got to know you by reading your experiences in Honduras. I'm the one that once suggested you should have a TLC show about being gringos in Honduras!
A warm salute from San Pedro Sula. I'm happy to see you guys happy and strong as a family no matter the location.
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