We are sure that you have an excellent reason for moving Dinosaur Train from the 8:30 AM time slot to the 9:30 AM time slot. We appreciate what you do over there at public television and do not wish to be overly critical of your programming choices. However. Are you out of your freaking minds? Dinosaur Train was a perfect fit for the 8:30 AM time slot. Your decision to move Dinosaur Train from 8:30 to 9:30 hurts Nebraska families. I can speak for my family with utter certainty: Dinosaur Train at 8:30 AM is a core element of a successful, on-track morning. Things run amok without it. Please, for our safety, return Dinosaur Train to it's regular time slot.
The L. Family

**Just a clarification- this open letter is in no way related to any programming conflicts that some crazy people may have had with the Discovery Channel. We just really like the show- dinosaurs and trains in the same show??!! How perfect can it be? We're not actually angry, but just wish the show could continue in the 8:30am timeslot.
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