Monday, November 9, 2009

After these messages...

We'll be right back!
(Does anyone remember those creative pre-commercial songs and little cartoon thingies that were on before Saturday morning cartoons? They'd sing "After these messages, we'll be right back" to different tunes)

So here are the messages. I promise we'll try to get back to regular blogging in the next day or so.

Health: In the past 2 and a half weeks, everyone in our house has been hit by a flu bug. We're not sure exactly what it was, but it hit hard! First, Tom and Zeke were sick for about a week each. I thought I was immune, but last week I came down with it. Finally, after trips to the doctor and rounds of antibiotics and other medicines, I think we're on the road to recovery.

General Craziness: We've been pretty busy lately. We're excited to fill readers in about the new activity in town and general goings-on here in Honduras.

Zeke: Perhaps he should fall under General Craziness. He's turned into a zany kid! Zeke crawls everywhere, pulls himself up on furniture, definitely expressing opinions about everything. Tonight, I caught him trying on three different occasions to punch Ruby (the dog) in the face. He makes a fist and chases after her, or sneaks up on her and starts pounding her in the eyes. If this is 9 months, I think we might be in for some busy months coming up!

Those were our messages. We'll be right back!


Live Simply Love Strongly said...

The second I read the title I was singing...we'll be right back. In my experience with my now 2 year old, it only gets exponentially crazier from then to the 2 year mark. I go from being super-mom to completely loosing my cool in a matter of seconds. Ah, the terrible twos!

Anonymous said...

We now have mini-golf in Ceiba, that's big news. Waiting for McDonalds though. Funny how the one thing I felt I would miss the least before moving here turns out to be the thing I crave the most. I would pay $10 for quarter-pounder with cheese hot off the grill. We do have burger-king & wendy's but they seldom change the oil in their fryers and the french fries taste rancid. Could someone tell which day of the month either place changes their fry oil. I doubt either place do, they just a quart now and then as needed.

Ron S.

your's is the only blog I have bookmarked, I use it as my starting point for reading other Honduran blogs, I do wish you would blog more often. I use your link to jump to Lauries blog and then her link to other blogs, and so on. So I really do check your site quite often.

Anonymous said...

Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?