We woke up today and realized that there are only 10 weekends left before we become parents. This includes the holidays, and so we're only actually home for 6 more of those weekends. Eeek!
It's rainy season here in Honduras. This means daily temperatures around 63 degrees and 100 percent humidity for about 3-4 months. When living in Honduras, mold becomes a part of one's life. For example, in our house right now, some of the items that are moldy are: bathrobes, front/back wooden door, walls, ceiling tiles, books, shoes, leather belts and purses, and a clay wall hanging. It's not because we're dirty people. It's just because it's the perfect condition for mold to grow! We try to keep up with it, but nothing ever completely dries out.
With our recent realization of the short amount of actual time left here before Baby Lew arrives, we both freaked out in our own way. I made a list of the things I need to do before the baby arrives. This includes things like buying a dresser, rug, and blinds for the baby's room, sewing a big patch for our green velvet couch, checking references on our potential nanny, and of course, decorating for Christmas. I'd also like to sit down and talk with Tom about my feelings and make some goals and plans for the upcoming weeks. We also need to figure out what we want to name this little guy.
Philosophically, Tom and I have some different feelings about what type of preparation needs to happen. I'd like to think about things and maybe buy some baby stuff. Also, I feel that our bedroom is incredibly ugly, so I'd kind of like to paint it, rearrange it, and sew some new curtains for it sometime in those 6 weekends.
I'm concerned about strollers also. Do we go for a travel system or just a stroller and a carrier separately? Forward or rear-facing stroller? I've read just about every review out there, and I've narrowed it down to a couple. Tom is also excited about strollers, but he's definitely into test-driving them before we buy. I hope Delta Airlines will let us travel with a stroller for free even without the baby. That's our plan for now! Here are a few pictures of those I'm interested in:

Above: Kolcraft Contours (faces both forward and back) Right: Graco Stylus Travel System, Below: Chicco Cortina Keyfit. What decisions!
Feedback on strollers, anyone???
Tom's idea of preparation is on the list below. You will see that he's also scheduled some special time for us to talk about my feelings. It's just going to be after cleaning and organizing and bleaching our house. :) Meanwhile, I'm just going to think about my feelings and the projects I'd like to do. For me, it all starts with visualization.
I feel good about the progress made so far. Our house feels a lot cleaner, and I haven't had to do too much of it. We have already worked through the medicine cabinets and wicker bathroom drawers together. Now Tom is heating up some soup for lunch. Yummy! Happy Sunday, everyone!